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G.I. Restoration Protocol

This nutritional protocol was designed specifically to treat the symptoms of IBS and related conditions.
These products also promote gastrointestinal and immune health. The two week timeframe is to ramp
up to a therapeutic dose. The length of the protocol will vary from patient to patient.
G.I. Restoration Protocol
Day 1-4
- Mix ½ scoop of Ultra Inflamx 230 Plus in 4-6 Oz of med temp water. (for inflammation)
- Add 1 tablespoon Glutagenics. Mix and drink ONCE per day. (for mucosal lining support)
Day 5-9
- Mix 1/2 scoop of Ultra Inflamx 360 plus with 1 tablespoon Glutagenics in water and drink TWICE per
day. (at breakfast and between lunch and dinner)
Day 10-14
- Mix a FULL scoop of Ultra Inflamx 360 Plus with 1 tablespoon of
Glutagenics and drink TWICE per day. (at breakfast and between lunch and dinner)
- Take Ultraflora - accute care (probiotic) at bedtime or another probiotic as directed
1)Ultra Inflamx 360 Plus
2) Glutagenics - (its a powder)
3) Ultraflora - accute care (OR A DIFFENRENT PROBIOTIC AS PER DR)
ALL of the probiotics
* These above statements and protocol have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product
is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.